LTTA Ideas!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What Do Cartoons Have To Do With School?

I have found a fun and interesting way to teach story writing, dialogue and a little bit about insects through the creation of cartoons!

CAUTION: This is a work in progress!

  • we explored how our faces can show emotion - we focused on our eyebrows, mouth and eyes
  • we played a little game of "Facial Charades" to really get us into it!
  • using MS Word, I created a table with 36 boxes, each of which we filled with an expression and a description
  • I used the handout from Cartoon Connections for ideas!
  • we next moved into speech bubbles and symbols


  • as we were learning about insects in science, we learned about how to draw a spider
  • we practiced putting different facial expressions on it and talked about what it could be saying
  • students then created a single panel cartoon using a spider and a speech bubble
  • it was fun to teach about the parts of a spider through drawing
  • we then did the same for other insects


  • next we talked about dialogue
  • we looked at examples of cartoons and talked about what we noticed
  • we talked about how important it is for one character to talk and another character to respond
  • students were put into pairs with four large blank faces and speech bubbles
  • students came up with a setting and dialogue for their characters and drew expressions to go with the dialogue
  • this was great and the kids kind of wrote a "mini" tory without realizing it!


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